MSc Project: Aerodynamic Drag Modelling for LEO Mega-Constellations

This research project formed the basis of a master’s thesis on the impact of higher-fidelity aerodynamic drag modeling in the orbit propagation of spacecraft in low Earth orbit. The study involved developing a custom 3D aerodynamic drag model and comparing it to the widely-used SGP4 propagation. The research was conducted using a subset of the OneWeb and Starlink mega-constellations, covering around 40% of the total satellites.

High Fidelity Radiation Pressure Models for Spacecraft.

Recently, I’ve been working on developping a new approach for modeling radiation pressure on spacecraft. My focus has been on harnessing the latest advancements in computer rendering (leveraging the Mitsuba 3 Physics-Based Ray Tracer) to produce high-fidelity radiation pressure models derived from spacecraft CAD models.