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Twitter Satellite Constellation Visualization Bot

11 minute read



This post was intended as the start of a series on how to make a Twitter constellation visualization bot. However, recent updates to the Twitter API have meant that the repetitive nature of the posts have blocked the bot so I will be stopping this effort. I tried to modify my code to work with the new API but it has proved too time-consuming. Instead, I will be posting these GIFs to my personal website on a dedicated page.

Tracking Objects in Space: The Rise and Reign of Two-Line Elements

5 minute read


Brief History of TLEs

Keeping track of objects in space is no easy task. The first real concerted effort to systematically track earth orbiting satellites started back in 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 1. The US government quickly realized they needed a way to keep track of all the objects in space and thus, Project Space Track was born. In the early days, tracking was done through a combination of radar, telescopes, radio, and even citizen observations. These observations were then manually reduced, and corrections were determined in order to generate orbital elements that could be used for predictions.


MSc Project: Aerodynamic Drag Modelling for LEO Mega-Constellations

This research project formed the basis of a master’s thesis on the impact of higher-fidelity aerodynamic drag modeling in the orbit propagation of spacecraft in low Earth orbit. The study involved developing a custom 3D aerodynamic drag model and comparing it to the widely-used SGP4 propagation. The research was conducted using a subset of the OneWeb and Starlink mega-constellations, covering around 40% of the total satellites.

High Fidelity Radiation Pressure Models for Spacecraft.

Recently, I’ve been working on developping a new approach for modeling radiation pressure on spacecraft. My focus has been on harnessing the latest advancements in computer rendering (leveraging the Mitsuba 3 Physics-Based Ray Tracer) to produce high-fidelity radiation pressure models derived from spacecraft CAD models.